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Cut off to buy tickets is every Friday at 4:00pm 

Draw at 4:30pm



Sales Close In:

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1 Ticket for


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10 Ticket for


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Chase the Ace

Chase the Ace

50 Ticket for


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200 Ticket for


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Nov 19

Week 1 starts on Nov 19th  2021 with the first draw date being Friday Nov 26th.


Buy your tickets weekly and/or buy a subscription to every week until the Ace of Spades (Cody Fajardo card) is found.  Your tickets will automatically be emailed and credit card debited each week.

The weekly winner receives 20% of that week's sales and receives a phone call from the Foundation.  This is when you get to pick your envelope from 1-52.  You can see the chosen envelopes here 

Week 5 has an Early Bird draw with that week's winner taking home an extra $5,000!!

Catching the Cody Fajardo card (Ace of Spades) wins the Progressive Jackpot which is 30% of all ticket sales

All Chase the Ace-Rider Edition  proceeds go towards Saskatchewan Roughrider Foundation  programming.  Here's your chance to make your dreams come true...while supporting great causes and initiatives in Saskatchewan. 


Buy your tickets now!!!


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